Java Threads

In Java, a thread is a separate unit of execution that runs independently of other threads. Each thread represents a separate path of execution in a program....

Java Interface

In Java, an interface is a collection of abstract methods and constants that define a contract for classes to follow. Interfaces provide a way to define common behaviors that can be implemented by different classes without requiring them to share a common hierarchy....

Java Abstraction

In Java, abstraction is achieved through the use of abstract classes and interfaces. An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, but can be subclassed by other classes. ...

Java Overriding

Java method overriding is a feature that allows a subclass to provide its own implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. When a method is overridden, the subclass implementation of the method is called instead of the superclass implementation....

java overloading

Java method overloading is a feature that allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name, but with different parameters. Overloading provides a way to create more readable and reusable code by giving the same method name to different methods that perform different tasks....

Java Polymorphism

Java polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms, i.e., an object can have multiple types. In Java, polymorphism is achieved through inheritance, interfaces, and method overloading/overriding....

Java Inheritance

Java inheritance is a mechanism that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. Inheritance is one of the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming and is used to create hierarchical relationships between classes....

Java Packages

Java packages are a way of organizing related classes, interfaces, and sub-packages in a hierarchical structure. They help to avoid naming conflicts, improve code organization, and facilitate code reuse....

Java Encapsulation

Java encapsulation is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming that allows classes to control their internal data and functionality, while hiding them from other classes. It is achieved through the use of access modifiers (public, private, protected, default) and methods (getters and setters)....

Java Recursion

In Java, recursion is a technique in which a method calls itself to solve a problem. Recursion is a powerful tool that allows you to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems....