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Top 10 CodeIgniter interview questions with answer part -2

  1. What are the differences between CodeIgniter 3 and CodeIgniter 4?

    • CodeIgniter 3 is the previous major version, while CodeIgniter 4 is the latest major version.
    • CodeIgniter 4 introduces namespaces, PSR-4 autoloading, and other modern PHP features.
    • CodeIgniter 4 offers better performance, improved security, and enhanced flexibility compared to CodeIgniter 3.
  2. Explain how to implement authentication in CodeIgniter.

    Authentication in CodeIgniter can be implemented using libraries like Ion Auth or by writing custom authentication logic. Libraries like Ion Auth provide pre-built authentication functionality, including user registration, login, logout, and password reset.

  3. What are HMVC modules in CodeIgniter, and how do you use them?

    HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) modules in CodeIgniter allow you to organize your application into reusable, independent modules. Each module can have its own controllers, models, views, and configuration files, making it easier to manage and maintain large-scale applications.

  4. How do you handle email in CodeIgniter?

    Email in CodeIgniter is handled using the Email library. You can configure email settings in the config.php file and use the library to send emails. Here's an example:

    $this->email->from('[email protected]', 'Your Name');
    $this->email->to('[email protected]');
    $this->email->subject('Email Subject');
    $this->email->message('Email Message');
  5. Explain the role of helpers in CodeIgniter.

    Helpers in CodeIgniter are utility functions that assist in common tasks. They provide functions for tasks like URL manipulation, form validation, file handling, and more. Helpers are typically autoloaded, but you can load them manually using the load method.

  6. What is the purpose of the index.php file in CodeIgniter?

    The index.php file in CodeIgniter serves as the front controller for the application. It handles all requests and routes them to the appropriate controllers and methods based on the URL structure. You can remove the index.php from the URL using URL rewriting techniques like mod_rewrite.

  7. How do you handle file uploads in CodeIgniter?

    File uploads in CodeIgniter are handled using the File Uploading library. You can create a form with the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute, and use the do_upload() method to handle file uploads in the controller.

  8. Explain the concept of HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) in CodeIgniter.

    HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) is an architectural pattern that allows you to organize your application into modules. Each module can have its own MVC triad, allowing for better code organization, reusability, and separation of concerns.

  9. What are the different types of caching available in CodeIgniter?

    CodeIgniter supports several types of caching, including page caching, query caching, and fragment caching. You can enable caching in the config.php file and use the Caching library to implement caching in your application.

  10. Explain how to handle form submissions in CodeIgniter.

    Form submissions in CodeIgniter are handled using the Form Validation library. You can set validation rules for form fields, and use the run() method to validate the form data. If validation fails, you can display error messages to the user. If validation passes, you can process the form data as needed.


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