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AngularJS Internationalization

In AngularJS, internationalization (i18n) refers to the process of adapting an application to different languages and regions, making it accessible to a global audience. AngularJS provides tools and best practices for implementing internationalization in your applications. Here are the key aspects of internationalization in AngularJS:

AngularJS i18n Module:

AngularJS provides an ngLocale module that includes tools for localization and internationalization. This module is part of the angular-i18n.js file, which you can include in your project to enable i18n support.

Here is an example of including the angular-i18n.js file for English (en-US) localization:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Replace en-us with the appropriate locale code for your target language.

Using AngularJS Filters for Localization:

AngularJS filters can be used to format data according to the user's locale. For example, the date filter can be used to format dates:

<p>{{ currentDate | date:'medium' }}</p>

Using $locale Service:

The $locale service provides information about the current locale and can be used to customize the behavior of your application based on the user's language.

angular.module('myApp').controller('MyController', function($scope, $locale) {
$scope.currentLocale = $;

Externalizing Texts and Translations:

To support multiple languages, it's a good practice to externalize texts and translations. This can be done by creating separate JSON files for each language, where each file contains translations for the application's texts.

Example of a JSON file for English (en-US):


// en-us.json
"greeting": "Hello, World!",
"welcome": "Welcome to our application."

Using AngularJS $translate Service:

While AngularJS itself doesn't provide a built-in translation service, you can use third-party libraries like angular-translate or angular-gettext for a more comprehensive i18n solution.

Here's a basic example using angular-translate:

  1. Include the library in your project:

    <script src=""></script>

  2. Configure the translation module in your AngularJS app:

    angular.module('myApp', ['pascalprecht.translate'])
    .config(function ($translateProvider) {
    $translateProvider.translations('en-US', {
    'greeting': 'Hello, World!',
    'welcome': 'Welcome to our application.'

  3. Use the $translate service in your controller or views:

    <p>{{ 'greeting' | translate }}</p>

Pluralization and Gender:

For more advanced scenarios like pluralization and gender-specific translations, libraries such as angular-gettext provide additional features and tools for handling these cases.

Caveats and Best Practices:

  • Always externalize and store your texts and translations in a separate file or a translation service.
  • Choose a comprehensive i18n library based on your project requirements.
  • Ensure proper handling of dynamic content, such as dates and numbers, in different locales.
  • Test your application with different locales to ensure the accuracy of translations and proper formatting.


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