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Vue.js Attribute Bindings

In Vue.js, attribute bindings are achieved using the v-bind directive. This directive allows you to bind an attribute to an expression or a computed value in your Vue instance. Attribute bindings are commonly used to dynamically set HTML attributes based on the data in your Vue application. Here's how you can use v-bind for attribute bindings:

1. Basic Attribute Binding:

Use v-bind to bind an attribute to a data property or expression.


<img v-bind:src="imageUrl">

or using shorthand syntax:

<img :src="imageUrl">

In this example, the src attribute of the img tag is bound to the value of the imageUrl property in your Vue instance.

2. Dynamic Classes:

Bind classes dynamically based on certain conditions using v-bind:class.


<div v-bind:class="{ active: isActive, 'text-danger': hasError }">
<!-- other content -->

Here, the active class is applied if isActive is true, and the text-danger class is applied if hasError is true.

3. Style Binding:

You can bind styles dynamically using v-bind:style.


<div v-bind:style="{ color: textColor, fontSize: fontSize + 'px' }">
<!-- other content -->

In this example, the color style is bound to the value of the textColor property, and the fontSize style is bound to the value of fontSize with 'px' appended.

4. Boolean Attributes:

For boolean attributes, you can use v-bind without a value. Vue.js will treat it as true if the corresponding property is truthy.


<button v-bind:disabled="isButtonDisabled">Click me</button>

Here, the disabled attribute will be added to the button if isButtonDisabled is true.

5. Conditional Attribute Binding:

You can conditionally bind an attribute based on a condition using a ternary expression.


<a v-bind:href="isExternal ? externalUrl : internalUrl">Visit the website</a>

In this case, the href attribute is bound to either externalUrl or internalUrl based on the value of the isExternal property.


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