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Vue.js Emits

In Vue.js, the emit method is used to allow child components to communicate with their parent components by triggering custom events. This mechanism is useful when a child component needs to notify its parent about an event or send data to the parent component.

Here's an overview of how to use emit in Vue.js:

Child Component Emits an Event:

  1. Child Component (ChildComponent.vue):

    <button @click="sendMessage">Send Message to Parent</button>

    export default {
    methods: {
    sendMessage() {
    // Emitting a custom event named 'message'
    this.$emit('message', 'Hello from child!');

    In this example, when the button is clicked, the sendMessage method is called, and it emits a custom event named 'message' using this.$emit('message', 'Hello from child!'). The second argument is optional and represents additional data that can be sent with the event.

Parent Component Listens to the Event:

  1. Parent Component:

    <child-component @message="handleMessage"></child-component>
    <p>Received Message: {{ receivedMessage }}</p>

    import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

    export default {
    components: {
    'child-component': ChildComponent
    data() {
    return {
    receivedMessage: ''
    methods: {
    handleMessage(message) {
    // Handling the custom event and updating the data in the parent component
    this.receivedMessage = message;

    In the parent component, the child-component is used, and it listens for the custom event named 'message' using @message="handleMessage". When the 'message' event is emitted by the child component, the handleMessage method in the parent component is called, and it updates the receivedMessage data property.

Passing Data with the Event:

You can pass additional data along with the emitted event. In the child component:

this.$emit('message', { text: 'Hello from child!', timestamp: });

In the parent component:

<child-component @message="handleMessage"></child-component>

methods: {
handleMessage(data) {
console.log(data.text); // 'Hello from child!'
console.log(data.timestamp); // Timestamp when the event was emitted

Using v-on Directive:

You can also use the v-on directive as a shorthand for @ when listening to events:

<child-component v-on:message="handleMessage"></child-component>


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