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WordPress - Comments

In WordPress, comments are a way for visitors to engage with your content by leaving feedback, questions, or opinions. Here's an overview of WordPress comments and how to manage them:

Enabling and Disabling Comments:

  1. Enable Comments for Posts:

    • When creating or editing a post, you can enable or disable comments in the "Discussion" meta box. Make sure the "Allow comments" box is checked.
  2. Enable Comments Globally:

    • Go to "Settings" > "Discussion" in the WordPress Dashboard.
    • Check the "Allow people to post comments on new articles" option.

Managing Comments:

  1. Viewing Comments:

    • Go to "Comments" in the WordPress Dashboard to see a list of all comments.
  2. Moderation:

    • You can moderate comments by approving, marking as spam, or trashing them.
    • Unapproved comments won't appear on the site until approved.
  3. Replying to Comments:

    • You can reply to comments directly from the "Comments" screen or from the front end of your site.
  4. Bulk Actions:

    • You can use the "Bulk Actions" dropdown to perform actions on multiple comments simultaneously.

Comment Settings:

  1. Comment Moderation:

    • Set the number of links a comment must have to be held for moderation.
    • Go to "Settings" > "Discussion" and look for the "Comment Moderation" section.
  2. Comment Blacklist:

    • Add specific words, IPs, or email addresses to the comment blacklist to automatically mark comments as spam.
    • Go to "Settings" > "Discussion" and look for the "Comment Blacklist" section.

Comment Notifications:

  1. Email Notifications:
    • Authors can receive email notifications when someone leaves a comment on their posts.
    • Users can subscribe to comment threads to receive notifications.

Comment Form:

  1. Customizing the Comment Form:
    • You can customize the comment form by going to "Settings" > "Discussion" and adjusting settings like comment form position, fields, and labels.

Comment Plugins:

  1. Anti-Spam Plugins:
    • Consider using anti-spam plugins to reduce spam comments.
    • Popular options include Akismet, which comes pre-installed with WordPress, and other third-party plugins.

WordPress - Comments


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