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WordPress - Media

In WordPress, the "Media" section is where you manage and upload various types of media files, such as images, videos, audio files, and documents. The Media Library stores all the media files you upload to your WordPress site. Here's an overview of WordPress Media:

Uploading Media:

  1. Adding New Media:

    • In the WordPress admin dashboard, go to "Media" and click on "Add New" to upload new media files.
  2. Select Files:

    • Click the "Select Files" button to choose files from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files into the media uploader.
  3. Media Library:

    • After uploading, your files will be listed in the Media Library. You can view, edit, or delete them from this section.

Media Library:

  1. Grid or List View:

    • Toggle between grid and list views to display your media files.
  2. Bulk Actions:

    • Perform bulk actions like deleting multiple files at once or adding them to a gallery.
  3. Filtering and Searching:

    • Use the search bar or filter options to find specific media files quickly.
  4. Attachment Details:

    • Clicking on a media item opens the Attachment Details sidebar, where you can find information about the file and edit its metadata.

Inserting Media into Posts or Pages:

  1. Add Media Button:

    • While editing a post or page, click the "Add Media" button to insert media directly into your content.
  2. Featured Image:

    • Set a featured image for your posts and pages from the Media Library. This image may be displayed prominently, depending on your theme.

Editing Media:

  1. Edit Image:

    • When inserting an image into a post or page, you can edit its details, such as alignment, size, and link settings.
  2. Edit Image in Media Library:

    • From the Media Library, you can edit an image's details, crop, rotate, or scale it.

Media Settings:

  1. Image Sizes:

    • Configure default image sizes for thumbnail, medium, and large images in the "Media Settings" under the "Settings" menu.
  2. Uploading Files:

    • Set options for organizing uploaded files and controlling how files are named.

Additional Tips:

  1. Media Settings:

    • Regularly check and adjust your media settings to ensure that images are resized and optimized based on your site's requirements.
  2. Image Optimization:

    • Use plugins to optimize and compress images for faster loading times. This can improve your site's performance.
  3. Media in Themes:

    • Some themes may have additional features related to media, such as custom image sizes or galleries. Check your theme documentation for details.
  4. Media Plugins:

    • Explore plugins that enhance the media management capabilities of WordPress, such as gallery plugins or media library organizers.


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